Managing credit card bills can be overwhelming, especially when balances start to grow. However, understanding your credit card bills and knowing where to get help can make a big difference in your financial well-being. Here’s an in-depth guide to help you navigate your credit card statements and explore your options for assistance. Let’s Take A […]
Continue ReadingTag: Credit Report
Understanding The Ripple Effect: How A Business Loan Can Impact Your Personal Credit
Securing capital is often essential for growth and expansion in the dynamic business world. Business loans provide entrepreneurs with the financial backing they need to invest in their ventures, hire staff, and upgrade equipment. However, what many business owners fail to realize is that their business and personal financial spheres are interconnected. Taking out a […]
Continue ReadingHow Many Points Does Your Credit Score Drop If You’re Late On A Payment?
A credit score is a numerical rating that represents a person’s creditworthiness. It measures how likely someone is to repay their debts on time based on their credit history. Credit scores are typically calculated using a mathematical formula that considers various factors, including payment history, the amount of debt owed, length of credit history, types […]
Continue Reading10 Bad Habits Or Decisions That Can Decrease Your Credit Score
A credit score is a measure of the creditworthiness of a person. The higher the number, the more creditworthy a person is. It’s possible for people to achieve scores in the 800s, which can help them get loans at lower interest rates, qualify for better insurance rates, and make it easier to rent an apartment […]
Continue ReadingLearn How To Get Your 3 Credit Reports For Free
If you have ever applied for a loan or a credit card, you are probably aware of the importance of your credit report and credit score. The information a credit report contains tells lenders whether you are a “credit risk” or not. It can also determine what interest rates you will be offered and other […]
Continue ReadingIs There Really Such a Thing as Good Debt vs. Bad Debt?
If you have ever wondered if “good” debt is real, then you do not need to keep wondering because it most certainly is. Besides debt being considered a bad thing, there are quite a few circumstances where it is a good thing. Below, we’ll go over good debt and bad debt and explain how good […]
Continue ReadingAdvantage CCS’s Special Interview With
When Adam West from reached out to me via LinkedIn and email about doing an interview to explain what Advantage CCS is all about, who we can help, and what we offer, I jumped at the chance. I’ve shared BadCredit’s blog posts and social media posts before because they offer some amazing content and […]
Continue ReadingDebit Card Versus Credit Card: What’s The Big Difference?
Credit cards and debit cards….they’re all the same, right? Wrong! A credit card is a plastic card whose holder has been granted a revolving credit line (unsecured credit). This piece of plastic provides the holder with the ability to make purchases and/or cash advances up to a predetermined limit. The credit granted can be paid in full by the […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is A Good Credit Score And Why Does It Matter?
A credit score is a numerical value between 300-850 that someone is assigned to show a potential lender how likely one is to honor their debts. The higher the credit score is, the more trustworthy they appear to the lender. This is also called Creditworthiness in the lending industry. But what is a good credit […]
Continue ReadingWhat Does Your Credit Score Mean
A credit score is one of the most important numbers that any person ever deals with. This seemingly simple three-digit number tells potential lenders so much about the kind of history that a person has had with their credit in the past. In other words, this score details the actions or inaction that a person […]
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