If you are struggling with high credit card account balances and other troublesome debt, you understandably may feel stressed and even hopeless. Regardless of your current circumstances, adjusting your money management efforts could help you to turn your financial situation around. Allow these ten essential tips below to guide your debt relief efforts. 1. Scale […]
Continue ReadingTag: Eliminate Debt
The Exclusive Retirement Readiness Checklist
Planning for retirement should feel exciting and thrilling, not stressful and overwhelming. After working for the vast majority of your adult life, the prospect of living a carefree life while retired should help you to feel hopeful about your future as you get your finances and future budgeting in order. You can use this handy […]
Continue ReadingCan You Go to Jail Because of Outstanding Credit Card Debt?
People have loaned each other money for thousands of years. As a way to hedge against risk and make money, lenders charge borrowers money through the power of interest. Historically, if borrowers didn’t pay lenders back, lenders would primarily be responsible for recouping their losses. In today’s civilized society, we have courts of law that oversee arguments between people. […]
Continue ReadingRidiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Finances
Personal finance articles and websites contain plenty of helpful pieces of advice to take control of a difficult financial situation and learn how to improve it. Unfortunately, many of the methods are either excessively complex or do not pertain to an individual’s or family’s real-life circumstances. These people want answers that work for them. Luckily, […]
Continue ReadingFree Credit Counseling Can Relieve the Stress of Debt
Could you be a good candidate for free credit counseling? Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel like you need a break when you sit down to do your bills every month? After you have paid your monthly bills, do you avoid buying anything for two weeks, so you don’t overdraw your account? Do you […]
Continue ReadingHow To Choose The Right Nonprofit Credit Counseling Agency
In these difficult economic times, it’s common for people to live from paycheck to paycheck. They worry about dealing with debt collectors constantly. A workable budget seems unreal to them, and money for retirement is out of the question. When people find themselves in such a situation, there is help available. It may be time […]
Continue Reading7 Reasons To Get Rid Of Your Credit Cards
If credit card companies had it their way, consumers would charge any and every purchase they make every single day of their lives. Unfortunately, that would only be fun until it came time to pay the enormous bill. While it can be difficult to resist temptation from time to time, there are a few excellent […]
Continue ReadingReasons Why You Might Not Join A Debt Management Program
We’ve been in business for over 50 years now (since June 17th, 1968) so we’ve heard about a million reasons why someone doesn’t want to sign up for a Debt Management Program even though they seem super interested and excited about it. The list includes a few common reasons such as: Monthly payments with Debt […]
Continue ReadingThe Best Way To Handle Payday Loan Debt
More than 12 million Americans take out payday loans every year, and a significant number of these advances go into default. It is estimated that borrowers pay more than nine billion dollars in loan fees and are more susceptible to suffering the snowball effect when accepting the terms of a short-term loan such as a […]
Continue ReadingThe Truth About Debt And Credit Counseling
How Did I End Up Here – If you were to write a story or song about your financial status would it leave people reaching for a box of tissues? If so, you’re not alone. Many people across America have found themselves struggling with credit card debt. Part of the problem is the ease at […]
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