An individual’s credit rating is an important factor that significantly contributes to their financial well being. Whether an individual is applying for a loan or a new job, their credit rating will be evaluated and could be used for making a final decision. Given the major impact that a credit score has on a person’s […]
Continue ReadingTag: Credit Card
How To Build A Strong Credit Score
Consumers who know the value of their credit score will work hard to maintain a great score from day one. Those who never learned the importance of their credit score might make financial mistakes that cause them to learn the hard way. Whether a person is building their credit score for the first time or […]
Continue ReadingWhat you need to know before freezing your credit
Over 143 million Americans had their sensitive personal information exposed to hackers in the recent Equifax data breach. There’s a good chance that you or someone in your household may have been impacted by this historically huge data hack. The bad news: your information is probably already in the hands of hackers that can use […]
Continue ReadingGuarding Your Credit
With the growing concern about financial fraud and identity theft, getting protected has become more important than ever. It’s imperative to gain awareness on how to effectively look after yourself and your finances in this digital world. Also, in an unstable economy, the sudden loss of a job can create a financial crisis and you […]
Continue ReadingTips to Avoid Late Fees
One household alone can have a dozen or more bills that come in each month. Each bill has a different due date that must be followed or else a penalty occurs. These charges can be more than $25 for each occurrence, and the tardiness is quickly recorded on your credit history. We all know that […]
Continue ReadingThe High Cost of Rent to Own
The concept of rent to own can be very appealing to people with low credit scores and who are short on cash but wish to purchase new electronics, appliances, or furniture. Rent to own stores make it possible to own items that you may not otherwise be able to afford. Because you don’t have to […]
Continue ReadingWhy Credit Card Debt Sucks
The use of credit cards has been one of the major growth industries in the U.S. across the latter half of the 20th century and into the beginning of the 21st century, but the benefits these provide are often outweighed by the problems caused by unmanageable levels of debt. Credit cards can offer many benefits […]
Continue ReadingA Look At Credit Cards Throughout History
Have you ever wondered how credit cards came about? Who thought of the very first credit card and what were they used for back then? From personalized store credit in the 1800s to the never-ending card offers that pile up in your mailbox on a daily basis, credit cards have become an inescapable part of […]
Continue Reading10 Steps to Eliminate Credit Card Debt
People always ask me this same question: “How can I get rid of my credit card debt as quickly as possible”. And the answer is always: “You didn’t get into debt overnight, and you most certainly won’t get out of debt overnight either. Work hard on it, be patient, and start now!” I’m going to […]
Continue ReadingWhat is a “charge-off” and how does it affect me?
Credit cards are excellent tools for us to use when we are in a bind, they will usually provide us with funds to keep us going until things get better. However, what happens when things do not get better and there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel, will we have […]
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