
Month: July 2012

Why Does My Credit Score Matter?

If you have recently applied for a loan or credit card and you were denied, you might be asking yourself, Why does my credit score even matter? Your credit score is a number that is often used by lenders, creditors, banks, and many others to help evaluate and rate how much of a risk you […]

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White Paper: What You Need to Know About Secured Debt & Unsecured Debt

White Paper: What You Need to Know About Secured Debt & Unsecured Debt Different types of debt carry different consequences while they are active and in the event of a default. Whether people are struggling to make payments or have a surplus of cash they’d like to use to pay off their debts faster, it’s […]

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5 Smart Money Management Decisions

These are difficult times that we are living in right now. We all know that many jobs have been lost, savings have most likely been annihilated, and home values have deflated all over the country. If you haven’t experienced any of these things, then count yourself as being very lucky. The mere threat of any […]

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