Tag: IRS

Smart Ways To Use Your Tax Refund: Pay Down Debt And Build Savings

The start of the year signals the beginning of tax season—a time when many Americans anticipate their tax refunds. While it can be tempting to splurge on something fun, using your refund wisely can bring lasting financial benefits. Whether your goal is to reduce debt, build savings, or invest in your future, your refund is […]

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The Upcoming 2023 Tax Season And What You Need To Know

It’s a new year, and many people are already anticipating the need to get their taxes in order. That could be because the official tax-filing season is scheduled to start on Monday, January 23rd. That is less than two weeks away. Another thing to think about is that Tuesday, April 18th arrives rather quickly, and […]

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Advance Child Tax Credit Payments: What Are They & How To Get Them

History of Child Tax Credit The child tax credit (CTC) was created in 1997. The CTC is essentially a federal grant program. It is estimated that more than 30 million households are eligible for the CTC that requires annual distributions of funds. The IRS is the only agency equipped to handle such a huge continuing […]

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Clever Ideas For What To Do With Your 2021 Tax Refund

Will 2021 be the year you save your tax refund for an emergency, or will you spend every last penny like the majority of Americans do? The Internal Revenue Service will let you directly deposit your refund money into three different types of accounts. You can have part of the refund sent to your checking […]

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How To Use That Stimulus Money Sensibly

The third round of stimulus checks might be on the way very soon. There’s talk of a $1.9 TRILLION Covid-19 Relief Bill that President Biden and the Democrats are trying to get passed in Congress this week. The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or the “CARES Act” provided relief back in April of […]

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Tax Season Fraud and Identity Theft

Founded by the Federal Trade Commission, Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week sets aside 5 days to encourage and educate taxpayers to protect their tax and personal identification information. As reports show, there was a staggering 400% increase in tax-related phishing attacks during the 2016 filing season. Therefore, it’s important that taxpayers are aware of the […]

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2014 Tax Season and What You Need To Know

It’s a new year and many people are already anticipating the need to get their taxes in order, after all, April 15th comes pretty quick. For those who have done taxes in the past, history has shown that the folks in Washington are forever making changes to the tax laws. As with many years in […]

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