With US student loan debt now greater than total credit card debt, new graduates need to take their monthly payments seriously and form good repayment habits early on. Some estimates show student loan debt has surpassed $1 trillion nationally, and recent government figures show nearly 10% of borrowers of federally-subsidized student loans had already defaulted […]
Continue ReadingTag: College Funding
Saving for College: Graduating with the Least Amount of Debt
By June most recent high school graduates know what college they are going to, but many of them may still not know how they are going to pay for it. We’ve heard the stats that the average debt students have upon graduation has skyrocketed to $35,200, according to a recent Fidelity survey, and that the […]
Continue ReadingHow to Compare Financial Aid and College Costs
Hooray! Spring has finally arrived, and students all across the country are receiving college acceptance letters in the mail. It’s an exciting opportunity, but it comes with a lot of life changing decisions to make, like how to pay for it. Cracking the code on financial aid is a big (and often stressful) part of […]
Continue ReadingHow to Handle Student Loan Debt Collectors
When you default on a student loan, the government will usually hire debt collection agencies to collect on these loans. It’s not quite as straightforward as you might like to think, to try and get this loan to just disappear. The collection agencies are sometimes known to twist their words around to get what they […]
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